Angie Heidelberger – “My Sheep Know My Voice & They Follow Me.”

Broadway Ballroom 115 E 30th Avenue, Alexandria, United States

After a successful career in the mortgage industry for over 12 years, the Lord led Angie to quit her job in January 2021 and leave behind all of the worldly measures of success she had ever known. After receiving a clear call “to go” with no answer of “what next” He showed her what it […]


David Schmidgall – Kingdom Perspective with Family Vision and Values

Broadway Ballroom 115 E 30th Avenue, Alexandria, United States

Before heading out on a family vacation it makes sense to plan ahead. We map out a route, reserve lodging and estimate the costs. The same planning principles apply when creating a financial budget. We create a forecast and compare it against reality, making adjustments along the way to reach a future target. A shared […]


Kelsi Timm and Nattiel Dammer – Simple Obedience Leads to Community Impact

Broadway Ballroom 115 E 30th Avenue, Alexandria, United States

Simple Obedience Leads to Community Impact Hear how two women, Kelsi Timm and Nattiel Dammer, from two different backgrounds joined together as they obeyed the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Their obedience created a ripple effect in the community for individuals, businesses, and organizations to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the Alexandria […]


April 2022 – No Faith @ Work lunch

The Faith @ Work lunch for April would fall on Good Friday so we've opted to cancel it. We encourage you to set aside this time to focus on the Cross and have a blessed Easter.

Sam Williams – I Saw That

Broadway Ballroom 115 E 30th Avenue, Alexandria, United States

Sam Williams – I Saw That Hardship and endurance are often components of a military lifestyle. Sam will be sharing lessons learned, experiences, leadership insights, and how God’s incredible love, grace and mercy sustained him through many difficult and dangerous situations. Sam Williams is a recently retired Army Medic who served for 26 years. Driven […]
